Flutter Firestore CRUD

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  • Flutter with firestore for CRUD

1. Flutter viscose Setting

1) flutter login 2) flutter pub global activate flutter fire_cli 3) Flutter fire configure 1) select the project created at firebase console 2) select platform (android, ios, macos, web) 4) flutter pub add firebase_core 5) flutter pub add cloud_firestore

2. Flutter main.dart, firebase.initializeApp

void main() async {
  await Firebase.initializeApp(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform);
  runApp(const MyApp());

3 Flutter CRUD from firebase

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';

class FirestoreService {
  // get collection of notes
  final CollectionReference notes =

  // CREATE : add a new note
  Future<void> addNote(String note) {
    return notes.add({
      'note': note,
      'timestamp': Timestamp.now(),

  // READ : get notes from database
  Stream<QuerySnapshot> getNotesStream() {
    final notesStream =
        notes.orderBy('timestamp', descending: true).snapshots();

    return notesStream;

  // UPDATE : update notes given a doc id
  Future<void> updateNote(String docID, String newNote) {
    return notes.doc(docID).update({
      'note': newNote,
      'timestamp': Timestamp.now(),

  // DELETE : delete notes given a doc id
  Future<void> deleteNote(String docID) {
    return notes.doc(docID).delete();

Youtube - Mitch Koko : 🔥📱 Flutter x Firebase CRUD Masterclass • Create / Read / Update / Delete

